Category: Cycling
Mixed terrain bikepacking from San Francisco to Santa Cruz
I took my first bikepacking trip, from San Francisco to Santa Cruz on what I’d call a mixed terrain route. Here’s the route, intel, and tale of the trip.
Night moves around Sacramento
Riding around Sacramento has been one of the best ways to learn the city, aside from the fact that it’s a grid. Tower Bridge (in the background) is especially photogenic at night.
Why would you do that to yourself?
On Saturday, I spent 8 hours riding a 126-mile loop around Paul Ryan’s hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin. It wasn’t a race. It wasn’t a charity ride. It was pain management. The Evansville Classic 200K was my first randonneuring brevet. It was one hell of a— Wait, what? What are those words? Randonneuring. Brevet. I don’t know that […]
Day 27: One large pizza? Nah, get two.
7/11/15: 63 miles, Farmington, Mo., to Ellington, Mo. First of several tough days ahead. We didn’t bolt from Farmington right away as we decided to wait for Trans AM Cyclery to open so John could get a new tire and some spokes. From Farmington, the route snaked along U.S. Bike Route 76 into the Ozarks proper. Lots […]
Day 26: Proper Popeye sendoff from Illinois
7/10/15: 47 miles, Chester, Ill., to Farmington, Mo. We set a new record for waking up late today. We didn’t get out of the bike shack behind the Eagles lodge until about 12:30 p.m. Sure, you could say we, uh, went to bed late. Or we had a few too many drinks that we paid for […]